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Who is God?

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth as per Genesis 1:1 in the Bible.  God has always existed.  God walked in the garden of Eden with the first two people He created, called Adam and Eve.  Adam and Eve was tempted by Satan and fell for his temptation and the consequence was that all people would be born as sinners.  This is known as the Fall in the Bible.

Sin separates us from God (because God is holy) and therefore God could no longer walk with people on earth.  The Bible consists of two Testaments:  The Old and New Testament.  The Old Testament includes many prophesies of the Messiah who God was going to send to redeem His people.  In the New Testament these prophesies were fulfilled at the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus took all the sin of believers on Himself and died on the cross on our behalf, because sin brings death.  If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead, we become Christians and is saved from hell.  We are forgiven all our sin and become the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

As believers we become the children of God and also receive an inheritance on earth.

Christianity is not a religion - it is a relationship with the only true Living God.  God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us on our journey and to equip us with power from above to fulfill our purpose on earth.

We are reconciled with God our Father and can talk to Him by praying and hearing His voice.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  If we follow His ways, it leads to a truly blessed life.

Yes, God knows you by name and He has a great purpose for your life.

Have you made your choice to follow and believe in Jesus?

If you haven't, but you want to, you can do so by praying the following prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died on our behalf to pay the price for our sin.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead.  Thank You for accepting me as Your child, I receive all that You have for me now. Amen.

If you have just decided to follow Jesus and make Him your Lord and Saviour,  let us know by email by clicking on the button below, and we can celebrate with you.  The Bible says that when a person gives their heart to Jesus, the Angels are having a feast in heaven.


Welcome to the family of God.  We will encourage you to join a Bible Study by clicking on the link and to look for a great local church to join.  Surround yourself with other Christians as you live out your relationship with God.  Feel free to contact us with any questions.

God bless you.

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